About Us

Morningside Farm & Nursery has served the gardeners, horticulturists, and native-plant lovers of Virginia and Washington, D.C. for 25 years (as of 2020). So many of you have become friends over the years, and it brings us such joy to see our nursery family every Spring.
We are located in a stunning corner of Culpeper County, Virginia within sight of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our gardens and greenhouses are packed with beautiful annuals, herbs, and perennials that do especially well in our zone 6 area. We grow only our hand-selected favorites. You can see an list of our hundreds of regular selections here, but we have lots of stuff that rotates and never makes this list. So come by!
We welcome beginners as well as experienced gardeners, and there's something for everyone in our display herb and perennial gardens. Our excellent selection of unusual and pungent herbs is on full view, along with hundreds of perennials from the exotic to the antique. Of course, garden questions are always welcome.
While we are always ready to share our garden experiences, we also love to hear what you've learned in your gardening adventures. Garden conversation is always encouraged at the nursery. That's why so many of our customers become friends.
So take a breath, step away from everyday life and join us as we wander the gardens and become lost in the sights and smells of the flowers. You may just find yourself heading home with a car full of flowers for your own garden. Find your way to Morningside here.